

Your academic journey at Florida Atlantic University and The 社会工作学院 and 刑事司法 is ready to soar. It’s an exciting time of 职业生涯 exploration and self-discovery, culminating in the ultimate academic achievement: graduation. The Soar-in-4 Scholars program is a by-invitation-only program that celebrates high-achieving 学生. 

Scholars who are accepted into the program commit to sustained academic excellence, graduating with their undergraduate degree in four years or less, and accessing hands-on support, 激励, and personalized attention from their advising and faculty mentors.


Overview of Soar-in-4 Scholar Benefits

Dedicated Student Success Team: Comprised of a Faculty Mentor, Academic Advisor, Career Counselor and 金融援助 Counselor. this team will work collaboratively to assist our student scholars with navigating their academic plan of study, 的职业目标, 学生账户. 

Advance Priority Course Registration Each Semester: Student scholars are able to register for each semester’s courses in advance of regular course registrations, increasing their chances of securing a set in courses that tend to fill quickly.  

1:1 Faculty Mentorship Sessions: Student scholars have a dedicated faculty mentor who meets with them at least once per semester. These mentorship sessions play a crucial role in helping Soar-in-4 Scholars achieve their academic, 专业发展, 职业生涯, and timely graduation goals. 

Invitations to Special Events and Opportunities: Student scholars attend networking events with social work and criminal justice professionals, 教职员工, and 校友 to discuss internships, 劳动力的趋势, 专业最佳实践, 以及就业机会. 

研究 Experience Opportunities: Student scholars are encouraged to learn about research opportunities through independent study courses with faculty as well as opportunities available through the Office of Undergraduate 研究 and Inquiry, as well as other university organizations and affiliates.

Semester Career Counselor Meetings: Scholars connect with our college 职业中心 liaison to clarify their 的职业目标, 探索职业选择, and evaluate occupational settings. The 职业中心 liaison also teaches scholars how to create or polish their professional resume and cover letter, 创建LinkedIn个人资料, 找工作, 和实习, as well as provides guidance on 应用ing to graduate school.

学生大使职位: Because Soar-in-4 Scholars represent the best and brightest of the college’s undergraduate 学生, they often receive invitations to serve as college ambassadors at various recruiting events, student orientations and fundraisers with high-profile community members. 

Portfolio Items and Commencement Cord: Upon successful completion of the Soar-In-4 Program, scholars receive a certificate of achievement, letter from the Dean of the College and graduation cord.



Meet Our Soar-in-4 Scholars

Fall 2020 Cohort – Anticipated Graduation Summer 2024

  • 圣扎迦利挖槽机, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • Jazmine瑞, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法*
  • 阿莉莎·罗德里格斯 Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法*
  • 布丽安娜•托马斯 Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法*

*Graduating ahead of schedule in Spring 2024!

Fall 2021 Cohort – Anticipated Graduation Summer 2025

  • Joel Acosta-Vasquez Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 维多利亚阿尔芒, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 卡米尔Cancia, 社会工作学士
  • Rickaylia克拉克 社会工作学士*
  • 斯泰西·德拉·克鲁兹, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • Jelisia Demontegnac, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 萨曼莎Francoeur, 社会工作学士
  • 艾拉灰色, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 杰西卡·Gjoka Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 米切尔库普里扬诺夫, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 塔季扬娜Lormeus, 社会工作学士

*Graduating ahead of schedule in Spring 2024!

Fall 2022 Cohort – Anticipated Graduation Summer 2026

  • 肯尼迪Chorney Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • Alexa•里德 社会工作学士
  • Shanel罗伯斯, 社会工作学士
  • 马克Rudden Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 萨曼塔, 社会工作学士

Fall 2023 Cohort – Anticipated Graduation Summer 2026

  • Jaylee Beltran), Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 卡西迪查普曼 Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 佐伊Cipollone, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 麦迪逊科丁顿, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 秋天Morant, 社会工作学士
  • 克里斯塔帝国, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • Mercier麦肯齐, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 吉娜Shalloway, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • Avairia Smith-Kent, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法

Fall 2024 Cohort – Anticipated Graduation Summer 2027

  • 多梅尼科Abitino, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 莎拉•阿伯 社会工作学士
  • Alexa Acosta, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 科拉安德森, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 安娜贝拉阿基诺 社会工作学士
  • 玛丽亚法典, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 乔纳森•Carvello Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • Jerek柯林斯 社会工作学士
  • 罗宾·Delva Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 玛丽Estep, 社会工作学士
  • 凯文·埃尔南德斯·查韦斯, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • Mikylah詹姆斯, 社会工作学士
  • 阿曼达小冰期, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 迪伦Porteus, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • Xenobia (Leah) Richards, 社会工作学士
  • 话剧由彼得·夏弗尔担任编剧, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法
  • 阿比泰勒, 社会工作学士
  • Kimara托马斯, 社会工作学士
  • joshua Velez Rosado, 社会工作学士
  • 萨曼莎·沃伯特, 社会工作学士
  • 卡尔文·威尔, Bachelor of Arts in 刑事司法




Precious Skinner-Osei, PhD, MSW

Interim Director, BSW正在协调 & 助理教授

Sandler School of 社会 Work
(561) 297-3085

Florida Atlantic University


Sigal Rubin, mscj

Senior Instructor, Associate Undergraduate Coord., and Field Experience Coordinator

犯罪学学院 and 刑事司法
(321) 754-8112

Florida Atlantic University
地址:Glades路777号,SO 221



4号飞行器协调器和 三级学术顾问

社会工作学院 and 刑事司法
(561) 297-2316

Florida Atlantic University